Thursday, July 17, 2008


So in July I decided to go longboarding with my friend John. I thought it was just going be a nice ride around Provo on the flat streets, John though had other plans. He decided that we were going to go up and ride down Provo Canyon. Since I like challanges I agreed to go but warned John this is only my second time actually longboarding. Once we got up the canyon John asked me if I wanted to wear a helmet, and I said sure, which ended up to be one of the smartest decisions of my life. So we started to go down the canyon and I realized that I am not that bad of a longboarder but didn't like going as fast as I was and couldn't do cool tricks like John. I finally learned that the easiest way to stop is to step off the board in a run, which worked fine the whole trip. My first fall happened when I really wasn't move too fast, John reckons that I stepped too far forward on my longboard and made it tip to the front. I came crashing down and landed on my left side hitting my leg, forarm and head on the ground. This crash was a little dissappointing because it didn't really leave an marks on me, but I was happy that had the helmet and that I didn't hit my elbow. After I dusted myself off and was greatful that the only person around was John we started to move down the canyon again. During ride I decided it would be safer and easier to sit on my board and roll down the bigger hills with my feet scrapping so I wouldn't go too fast. This worked great on the first two hills but on the last hill I went down I didn't get my feet down on time and the board started to wobble and I over corrected and slide off the board and slide on the pavement for a bit. I was so mad cause I missed landing in the grass by a few inches! After I got over that I fell I realized that my butt was really hurting (worse pain than my first fall) reaching my hand back to feel the damage I realized that my underarmor shorts were torn and I was slightly bleeding. I was so mad because I ripped my underarmor shorts. Those are not cheap...Then I was afraid that I tore my shorts that were over my underarmor and that I was exposing my butt to everyone. Luckly the top pair of shorts were not torn. Since we were not close to the the road we kept going, my butt started to hurt more and more and we still had to get to the road, hike or hitch a ride to the car. It was about an hour later that we finally got back home and I could look at the damage. It looked really bad and was bigger that a 4 x 4 gause pad. The best feeling in the world though was sitting on ice and making my butt numb. The only down side is that it hurt to put any pressure, meaning I couldn't sit for a few days. The wound slowly started to heal and I could go back to normal business, but then I started to have an allergic reaction to Neosporin, huge hives all over my body and I itched liked crazy. The nice thing about an allergic reaction is that if I itched it would not spread and would feel really good. So after a few weeks of nursing my wound I had to succumb and go to the doctors. I was put on a steroid and I finally stopped itching completely about a week later. I now have really cool battle wounds, the coolest one has to be on looks like I have a cartoon word bubble.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

So I started a blog

So I started a blog. Mostly so I wouldn't have to memorize everyones URLs.